Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Birth Day!

After hitting the labor snooze button a few times the morning of September 6th, 2013 I finally woke up enough to realize I was having contractions. It was 5:30am. I started timing the painful, 30-55 second contractions at 5:44am. Thirty painful contractions later, they were 5 minutes apart. I labored at home for four hours. Since we didn't know how long I would be in early labor Billy had walked Dru down to his bus stop at 7am. We packed the car with my already ready hospital bag, the boppy pillow and some fun items to keep the boy occupied during our stay. We got me some Sonic ice & tater tots, picked the kid up at school and headed to the hospital. Checked in at 11am and the nurse quickly checked me for dilation. I was at 5cm! She immediately asked me if I was ready for an epidural! I was so proud of myself for progressing well at home and getting drugs the moment I walked in the hospital doors! 
  The nurse was so nice and was noticeably unhappy to break the news to me that my doctor was out of town. What she didn't know was that I HATED my doctor. I said without thinking, "Hell YES!" And then I requested an air high five from my husband. Nurse had the funniest look on her face and said, "That's a first!" The on call doc was wonderful! The only thing was, I could see EVERYTHING in the reflection of his glasses... I did NOT want to see all that! Ha ha! Billy looked though, and when he started to linger I was like, "Ok! That's enough! Get back over here!" 
   So, arrived at 11, drugs at noon and I was at 9 1/2cm by 2:30pm. Soon after, the doc came in and asked me if I was ready! I was so nervous and excited! I pushed for a mere fifteen minutes and she was born at 3:46pm. She was 8lbs 6oz, 21in long. Here she is, Penelope Mack. Healthy as can be! I couldn't be happier! It's been five days now and she is a great baby. I feel so lucky. Big brother couldn't be a better helper. My husband has been amazing, too! Together, we are making such a great team! So blessed. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I'm SO done!

 I'm done being pregnant! Yet, my body isn't done at all! 38 weeks and 2 days along... Not dilated, she hasn't dropped and I feel like I'm going nowhere! I'm getting an exercise ball tomorrow and rocking my hips for hours. 
  I need some progress or else I fear I'll be pregnant forever. 
    I just want to meet her already! 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Tooth Fairy

The boy lost his first tooth last night at 10pm. I'm glad it happened before school started. When he was messing with it last night I told him not to let kids at school mess with it. Then, he pulled it out. He was scared of it in his hand. He also didn't like the initial feeling of the gap of the missing tooth. He told me to put the tooth back in! He came around eventually and was excited to get a visit from the tooth fairy. She left him $5 in gold and a tiny letter thanking him for the healthy tooth. He woke up nice and early for his surprise! Which, is great because we start kindergarten tomorrow and have to wake up at 6 am! This morning we woke at 6:40. Yesterday was 8 am and the days before were 9am! Slowly but surely! 

My big boy! Oh, and my little girl should be here in just a couple more weeks! I'm nervous but hoping for a smooth delivery similar to my son's. 

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Last Sunday

This pic was from the last week of July. I had just got to "work"! 
35 weeks